Concurrent Double Degree Programme

Concurrent Double-Master Degree Programme for MSc in Management + CEMS MIM

CDP MSc in Management students can enroll in a double-master degree programme by choosing the additional CEMS Master’s in International Management (CEMS MIM) degree. This double-master degree programme may be completed in 1.5 years by a business undergraduate student, and 2 years by a non-business undergraduate student.

Applicants for the double-master programme with CEMS must be proficient in at least one additional language, other than English.

CEMS MIM Curriculum

1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester Internship
CEMS MIM Year [Total 66 ECTS] MSc* [Total 20 Units] Non-Credit Bearing
CEMS School 1 CEMS School 2 NUS Singapore / Overseas
1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester 4th Semester Internshi
CEMS MIM Year [Total 66 ECTS] MSc* [Total 28 Units] Non-Credit Bearing
CEMS School 1 CEMS School 2 NUS NUS Singapore / Overseas

*Up to 3 Level-5000 Courses (maximum of 12 Units) taken at the CEMS host schools can be counted towards the fulfillment of your MSc in Management requirement.

Application Process 


Student must submit a CEMS application in between 1 November and 15 July when they are in year 3.
Student will rank 15 host schools of their preference in the application form.

Following documents must be uploaded:

  • Curriculum Vitae (with photograph)
  • Letter of Motivation (not more than 500 words)
  • NUS Unofficial Transcript
  • Proof of proficiency in any foreign language (if any)
  • GMAT scores (if any)
NUS MSc in Management CEMS MIM
Fee Type Acceptance Fee 1st
2nd Instalment CEMS MIM Programme Fee Miscellaneous Student Fees
(each semester)
Amount S$10,000.00* S$20,000.00* S$15,000.00* S$10,000.00*
Inclusive of 8% GST, with effect from 1 Jan 2023 S$10,800.00 S$21,600.00 S$16,200.00 S$10,800.00* Refer here

All fees paid are non-refundable.

Limited NUS CEMS MIM Study Awards covering all or a portion of the programme fees are available for outstanding students.

Candidates with good GMAT scores will be considered favourably for our NUS CEMS MIM Study Awards, as well as stand a higher chance in getting their preferred placement at CEMS host schools.

There is no need to submit a separate Study Award application.

Graduating Requirements

The CEMS MIM degree will only be granted upon successful completion of the MSc in Management programme.

To be considered for the CEMS graduation ceremony held usually in late November or early December, the CEMS student must have successfully completed all obligatory components for the CEMS MIM by July of that year:

  • Have spent at least two of the three MIM terms abroad
  • Have successfully graduated officially from the MSc in Management programme
  • No more than 15 ECTS in Elective and Skill Seminar credits may be taken outside the MIM year
  • A consecutive 8-week international internship at first-job level
  • Fulfilled CEMS language requirements

You may obtain more information from the CEMS website.

“As a national athlete for Singapore, I was taught that the best kind of preparation involves sparring and competing with the best around the world before the actual event. NUS Business School has exposed me to the best of the best. The CEMS program has allowed meet the best business students from around the world. We debate, discuss and collaborate over a multitude of topics, preparing us for our fight day – the workforce.”